Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We'll miss you Hines

The great Hines Ward has chosen to retire. I think it is the right decision. He didn't want to wear another teams uniform, and we didn't want to see him in one. He stood before the cameras today with tears in his eyes as he spoke of the team and the fans. I can not put into words what Hines has meant to us. He was part of a team that brought the glory back to Pittsburgh. He became as much a part of the Steelers Legacy as Harris, Bradshaw, Bleier, Swann, or Lambert. His name will be synonymous with theirs.

He didn't become a Raven, as I jokingly wrote about in my last blog. He also didn't go to the Dolphins or the Cardinals, as rumored. Hines retired with class and honor, as a Steeler, as he should have. I choked back my tears, as I watched him choke back his. He became very emotional as he spoke of and thanked Steeler Nation. It was hard for him to do, and hard for us to watch. He was truly one of the best. We'll miss seeing him on the field. But he retired a Steeler, and we will always have that.